
Showing posts from December, 2007

Destrukto Virus Removal

To manually remove this virus, do the following: 1. Download a replacement to task manager such as Process Manager by Sysinternals at 2. Open a command prompt window and go to windows\system32 and get ready to rename WSCRIPT.EXE by typing rename WSCRIPT.EXE WSCRIPT.TMP (or delete it). 3. Run Process Manager and kill the WSCRIPT process and then run the rename or delete command on the WSCRIPT.EXE. 4. Once WSCRIPT.EXE is renamed or deleted, you will most likely get a Windows message that system files are changed or deleted. Cancel the dialog box when prompted. The script will no longer be able to pop up the DESTRUKTO Internet Explorer page. 5. Download a registry editor such as mpam4_regedit_xp from 6. Run the registry editor and reverse the key changes the virus made. Change them back so everything is enabled: ran.regwrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main...

TestDisk - Best FREE Tool for Partition Recovery

Nothing beats a free software that can do what other commercial software can't. If you are looking for a partition recovery software, this one is for you. This open-source software saved me today from a possible one to three-hour work in recovering partitions that suddenly disappear. It only took less than five minutes to recover missing partitions. You can run this program from windows or you can use Test Disk Live Rescue CD . The only downside of this program is it still uses dos interface even when you run it in windows instead of more friendly-user GUI. So you might need to read first the documentation before using it. As for me, i don't care as long as it gets the job done. From their website : TestDisk is a powerful free data recovery software! It was primarily designed to help recover lost partitions and/or make non-booting disks bootable again when these symptoms are caused by faulty software, certain types of viruses or human error (such as accidentally deleting a Part...

"Incompatible modem codec detected, please check your modem card" error

Somebody brought in an HP Pavilion ze4900 laptop yesterday (the exact model is ze4938ea according to the sticker), and the owner said that she cannot connect to the internet neither via dial up nor her broadband connection. This laptop came from abroad (middle east) and she just started using it this week to replace her desktop. So i powered it up, and whenever i start the default dial-up connection, this error shows up: Motorola SM56 Modem Helper Incompatible modem codec detected, please check your modem card. Whenever you receive an error while trying to start a dial-up connection, the first thing to do is check whether the computer has the correct driver for the modem installed. I go to the HP support website, fired up the Automatic Detection option to know the exact model of this laptop, and check for the appropriate driver. My suspicion is right. According to the driver download page of HP Pavilion ZE4938ea this laptop uses a CONEXANT modem, and the error shown above is for MOTORO...