How to Download Youtube Videos and Convert to VCD / DVD for Viewing

A common question you can find around the net is "How do I download Youtube videos and view it from computer later on?" Some even want to convert it to VCD or DVD so they can view it later on to their TV sets.

Technically, YouTube doesn't want you to download their videos. They want you to view videos direct from their website because they earn from it through their advertisements. Youtube videos are stored in FLV (flash video) format. To download it, there are many websites out there and stand alone programs you can use. One of the most popular site is Just copy the address of the youtube video you want to save and paste it at the space provided at If you want a standalone program to do this, my personal favorite is YouTube Downloader by BienneSoft. You can download multiple YouTube videos using this program.

If you use any of the programs, the output file is still FLV. If you just want to view it from your PC, you need a flash video viewer. FLV player is an example of this. But what if you want to watch it on your television set? You need to convert it to VCD or DVD. You can use the excellent program SUPER VIDEO CONVERTER. After converting it to the file type you want, you can now burn it using your favorite burning program like NERO.

Download links:

Youtube Downloader
FLV Player
Super Video Converter


Contus said…
Really nice post… I’ve just tweet it!

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