Nokie's Flash Disinfector Batch File Update

Nokie updated his batch file that can disinfect computers experiencing flash drive viruses. You can download it here

here's the changelog according to the readme.txt:

Enfal, Fujacks, Taga-Lipa Are, Ravmone, Strawberry, YM Virus, Zinblog and Flash Drive Cleaner.

Flash_V13.5 Updates
Added "0hct8ybw.bat", "gumkrhf.bat", "oufddh.exe" Removal. Same effect as amvo and kavo. Please restart your pc after running the
batch file. Run the batch file again after restarting for complete removal.

Flash_V13.4 Updates
Added "" (Same as amvo). Same effect as "" (kavo). Please restart your pc after running the
batch file. Run the batch file again after restarting for complete removal.

Added "poogs.vbs" (Ilonggo gwapo man gid ah!...ahoo!...ahooo!...) (S2pidwaraynon) Virus.

Flash_V13.3 Updates
Added "" Removal (Same as kavo). Confirmed that this causes your yahoo messenger to crash (Yahoo Exception Breakpoint Error). Please restart your pc after running the
batch file. Run the batch file again after restarting for complete removal.

Added "kulitut.vbs" Removal.

Added "SSCVIIHOST.exe" Removal.
Note: When infected by this virus, sometimes the batch file will not run. Do this steps first before running the batch:
1.) Click "Start" then "Run".
2.) Type "tskill sscviihost" (without the quotes). A dos window will appear then disappear quickly. This is normal. The process sscviihost.exe is now killed.
3.) Run the batch file for complete removal. =)

Flash_V13.2 Updates
Added "azkaban" Removal.
Added "password_viewer.exe", "" (Thank you!!! Password: winzip123). Same effect as bar311 virus.
Removed "attrib" command in deleting hidden directories. No more attrib command. =)

Flash_V13.1 Updates
Added "8ot8y86.exe", "" (Same as kavo). I think this is the one that causes yahoo messenger to crash (Yahoo Exception Breakpoint Error). Not sure though. Please restart your pc after running the
batch file. Run the batch file again after restarting for complete removal.

Added "noteped.exe" (Same effect as exp1orer.exe virus).
Added "wvcst.vbs" Removal.

Flash_V13 Updates
Decided to remove "attrib" command from the batch file (deleting hidden files) to reduce run time.
Batch file now runs/cleans faster.
Added "Viruses Removed !!!" message box after running the batch.

Note: I'll leave Flash_V12 uploaded in FileFront just in case this version fails to clean any virus listed,
use Flash_V12 instead.


Most notable to this is the inclusion of kulitut virus removal. Kulitut virus is new. If you have these files on your PC, you are likely infected with this virus: bungoton.vbs


marlon said…
new virus nude scandal

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