An Excellent Removal Tool for Autorun Viruses

Kaizer Killer now on Version 1.8
Click to download

Here's an update for a nice little app called Kaizer Killer. FYI, kaizer killer is a straightforward removal tool / remover tool for those rampant autorun viruses. It is now on version 1.8. Here are the list of viruses that it can disinfect/get rid of your system.

About the author:

GZX Computer Laboratory®
Computer Whiz™

KaiZeR Killer Version 1.8
Definition: 02.22.08

This is the list of viruses or any malicious scripts that 'KaiZeR Killer' can treat,
it removes the malicious files, delete the autoruns in each drive, Fix the Registry and so on :p.
The Attributes that has been change will be go back to its original state.

If the virus that infected your PC was not in this list or you wish to add in the list.
Kindly send us an e-mail so that we can update it for you.
YM - gcace21

Giancarlo Acelajado
Copyright 2008©

***Note: Viruses that this removal can treat are not all specified..
If on the first time to run this application and doesn't remove any viruses/malicious script, run it once again.

***Please support Kaizer Killer, just free to contact us, and inform
us bout the latest virus that you've encountered and you wish to be added in the virus list of Kaizer Killer. Thank You!.

Here a list of viruses it can remove:
Click to Download Kaizer Killer

1. $lddata$ removal
2. __.* remover
3. _defau~1.pif removal
4. _exp1orer.exe remover
5. _istmpi.dir removal
6. _noteped.exe remover
7. _sv_cmd_ removal
8. 111.exe remover
9. 3g08.bat removal
10. 3wcxx91.cmd remover
11. removal
12. 8ot8y86.exe remover
13. removal
14. ac12594 remover
15. Ad22098 removal
16. adober.exe remover
17. aikelyu.html removal
18. alecks.* remover
19. amvo.exe removal
20. amvo0.dll remover
21. amvo1.dll removal
22. an16554 remover
23. autorun.* removal
24. avpo*.* remover
25. awkeygen.exe removal
26. azkaban.* remover
27. bacabr~1.txt removal
28. bar311.exe remover
29. blastcln.exe removal
30. blastclnnn.exe remover
31. boot.exe removal
32. ccprxy.exe remover
33. copy.exe removal
34. crss.exe remover
35. ctfmon.exe removal
36. remover
37. mdm.exe removal
38. desktop.exe remover
39. desktop.ini removal
40. destrukto.* remover
41. destrukto.vbs removal
42. dismgnt.exe remover
43. removal
44. dnscon70.dll remover
45. dv6191~1 removal
46. dv6211~1 remover
47. dv6333~1 removal
48. exiplorer.exe remover
49. exp1orer.exe removal
50. explorar.vbs remover
51. explorer.exe removal
52. explorer.vbs remover
53. folder.htt removal
54. FS6519.dll.vbs remover
55. Funny UST Scandal.avi.exe removal
56. funnyu~1.exe remover
57. g2p3s.exe removal
58. gwe(i~1.exe remover
59. h.cmd removal
60. remover
61. homepage.html removal
62. host.exe remover
63. ie.exe removal
64. iexp1ore.exe remover
65. iloveher.exe removal
66. imgkulot.* remover
67. infrom.dat removal
68. infrom.exe remover
69. intern~1.lnk removal
70. isass.exe remover
71. j6154022.exe removal
72. j6154022.exe remover
73. removal
74. jay.exe remover
75. removal
76. kavo.exe remover
77. kavo0.dll removal
78. kavo1.dll remover
79. kernel~1.vbs removal
80. kernell.dll.vbs remover
81. killer.exe removal
82. knight.exe remover
83. krag.exe removal
84. kragdor.log remover
85. kulitut.* removal
86. ld.exe remover
87. ldjs.txt removal
88. ldlist.txt remover
89. ldup.exe removal
90. ldupver.txt remover
91. lsass.exe removal
92. lsasse~1.exe remover
93. maskrider2001.vbs removal
94. mdm.exe remover
95. mgrShell.exe removal
96. mma.bat remover
97. mma.reg removal
98. mma.vbs remover
99. ms.config removal
100. ms.config`.exe remover
101. ms32dll.dll.vbs removal
102. MS32DLL.dll.vbs remover
103. ms-dos removal
104. msinfo remover
105. msrm removal
106. mstcpcon20.dll remover
107. msvcr71.dll removal
108. mswinsck.ocx remover
109. mveo.exe removal
110. remover
111. removal
112. n2847 remover
113. n5619 removal
114. n8127 remover
115. netmanage.dll removal
116. netsvcs.exe remover
117. netused.dll removal
118. new document.exe remover
119. new folder.exe removal
120. newdoc~1.exe remover
121. newfol~1.exe removal
122. noteped.exe remover
123. nt.config removal
124. remover
125. ntkros.dll removal
126. ntsys.exe remover
127. o4154027.exe removal
128. ofcpfwsvcs.exe remover
129. p3r1ud.exe removal
130. passwo~1.exe remover
131. Password:winzip123 removal
132. password_viewer.exe remover
133. pc-off.bat removal
134. pet32.exe remover
135. removal
136. photos~1.exe remover
137. poogs.vbs removal
138. pooh.vbs remover
139. removal
140. ravmone.exe remover
141. ravmonlog removal
142. recycled remover
143. recycler removal
144. recycler.exe remover
145. redelbat.bat removal
146. rm remover
147. removal
148. S2pidwaraynon.html remover
149. s5421 removal
150. s6939 remover
151. s8787 removal
152. Say No To Drugs - iloveher.exe remover
153. scvhost.exe removal
154. scvhosts.exe remover
155. scvhsot.exe removal
156. scvshosts.exe remover
157. scvvhsot.exe removal
158. SecretStub.exe remover
159. sender.vbs removal
160. setting.ini remover
161. setup removal
162. setup.exe remover
163. sexvid~1.exe removal
164. silent~1.exe remover
165. SilentSoftecth.exe removal
166. smss.exe remover
167. spoclsv.exe removal
168. sqlserv.exe remover
169. sscvihost.exe removal
170. sscviihost.exe remover
171. ssvichosst.exe removal
172. remover
173. svchosl.exe removal
174. svchost.ini remover
175. svchost32.exe removal
176. svhost.exe remover
177. svhost32.exe removal
178. svohost.exe remover
179. svshost.exe removal
180. sxs.exe remover
181. sy.exe removal
182. SY20118 remover
183. t.exe removal
184. test.* remover
185. ttms*.dll.vbs removal
186. ugqe
187. VBS_SOLOW.A (Taga Lipa Are, Taga Xpress-On Kami, Taga Eti, Marinduque Mabuhay, Malaysian, Hackers, Protected by CPCT, Hacked by-Godzilla, M00zilla, YaHaa,"Your Firewall is Fuck", Zay, UC).
188. vhost.exe removal
189. wincab.sys remover
190. winconfig.dll.vbs removal
191. winkrnl.exe remover
192. winlogon.exe removal
193. winscok.dll remover
194. wintask.exe removal
195. wmiprvse.exe remover
196. WORM_ONLINEG.TCZ (q83iwmgf.bat) removal
197. wscript.exe remover
198. wsctf.exe removal
199. wvcst.* remover
200. removal
201. x264~1.exe remover
202. removal
203. ymworm.exe remover
204. zelurm~1.exe removal
205. zllictbl.dat remover

Download Kaizer Killer


Anonymous said…
hi, i downloaded and ran the kaizer killer but the alecks virus is still there. what do i do?
Anonymous said…
this is not working just a batch file and keep on looping,,,what a waste of time,,,but nice try
Anonymous said…
hi..may i know who are the one who make this BLOG?? e-mailed me at

or PM in YM at gcace21

-kaizer killer administrator...
Anonymous said…
sir/ma'am thank you for posting my kaizer killer here since february...

please update the link.. my kaizer killer last update will come in this URL

Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
how can i make this work . . . ?
can you post 1 that is easier to execute . . .
thank you
Anonymous said…
why the kulitut.vbs virus is still there in my drive c and d? i cant remove it with kaizer killer.. please reply asap...
Anonymous said…
the ttms virus has been removed from my system.. thank you.. but i dont know what happend to my AVG anti virus program.. after i run the kaizer.. and tried to open my avg free edition. it states already that my license is not recognized.. what seems to be the problem?
Anonymous said…
Hi .. i removed _DEFAU~1.pif with this tool. thanks a million for your advise
Anonymous said…
the ttms virus has been removed from my system.. thank you.. but i dont know what happend to my AVG anti virus program.. after i run the kaizer.. and tried to open my avg free edition. it states already that my license is not recognized.. what seems to be the problem?

yeah, how can this problem be fixed?
Anonymous said…
Please have check this site for the update of new Kaizer Killer EX Development=)

suggestions and comments are welcome=)
Anonymous said…
this is working and very very good baatch file desktop.ini file is my computer is totle remove

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