Solution: Mouse and/or Keyboard not Working after Deleting Upper/Lower Filter in Registry

Scenario: Mouse and/or Keyboard not working after deleting entries in the Windows Registry (regedit) to fix CD/DVD problem (Upper and Lower Filters)

Reason: There are three entries of Upper and Lower Filters in the registry. The first entry is for the CD ROM. This is the only entry you will need to delete in order for your optical drive to work. The second and third entry is for the keyboard and mouse and you should not delete it or your mouse/keyboard will not work at the next restart.

Original upperfilters entry



System Restore can do the trick but obviously you cannot do it because your keyboard and/or mouse is not working.

You can try this method instead: Restart your computer and before the Windows XP logo shows, repeatedly press F8. Choose Last Known Good Configuration. Try this several times if it doesn't work the first time.

Or if you're just like me (keyboard is working, mouse not), navigate through the registry and restore the deleted entries as shown in the screenshots above.

If the above methods don't work. You will need to use a bootcd that is capable of navigating the registry. One example is UBCD4win.

Navigate through:
There will be several entries of these. Look for the keyboard and mouse entries (refer to screenshots above) and restore the upperfilters entry.


Anonymous said…
You are a GENIUS... Thanks
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
If I could hug you I would! Having the screen shots was such a great help. I spent over 20 hours trying other things to fix this. Your solution only took me ten minutes to do.... and it WORKED!

Dj Flightz said…
OMG.... i cant believe i found this forum :) out of the weeks and weeks of being on google constantly trying to reword my problem going through hundreds of forums and no one had a clue untill now...WOW DUDE U NEED TO BE SOMEONE ON TV
GP said…
ive been desperately looking for something to get me out of this mess and i still seem to be not savvy so you ll have to bear with me.

What happened : DVD drive not working - microsoft help - deleted the wrong upper lower filter registry.

My crisis : This happened on my pc- xp pro using my toshiba netbook at the moment and it doesnt have a DVD/cd drive.i downloaded UBCD on the laptop but i have no idea what to do with it.all i have are 3 pendrives.tried the F8 tapping several times-load to last-option but that didnt work?
i did back up all the system files just yesterday though,so if could just restore that would be ideal..

I really cannot opt for paid technical help as i just got the pc serviced so i really hope you could help me out also low on time.ANY help soon would be DEEPLY appreciated.
Anonymous said…
How do I restore deleted Upperlifters using the keyboard only?
themadproducer said…
Worked great for me Thanks.
I connected to the PC via LogMeIn remote control which I fortunately already had working.
Anonymous said…
You, my Friend, are a friggin' GENIUS!!! Been working for 3 days to fix this problem! I would like to give you a hug! Thank You!
Anonymous said…
very very nice , thank you so much , it worked :)
Anonymous said…
Thank you very much, very helpful advice.
Anonymous said…
okay so i tried to do what you did but i couldn't find the option LAST KNOWN GOOD CONFIGURATION i have been trying to fix this for like a week now my mouse just stopped working because i deleted something by accident please help me
dh1031 said…
"If the above methods don't work. You will need to use a bootcd that is capable of navigating the registry. One example is UBCD4win .

Navigate through:
There will be several entries of these. Look for the keyboard and mouse entries (refer to screenshots above) and restore the upperfilters entry."

When I ran the bootcd, the only registry I was able to view was the registry on the bootcd; how do I see the registry on the computer's hard drive?
Anonymous said…
I've worked on computers for more than 20 years, so I can appreciate when somebody really knows what they are doing.

"Kensington MouseWorks 6.22.1" recently installed some very intrusive drivers that screwed up my (usually) well-tuned system. I cleaned up most everything, only to find that the keyboard had a Code 41 (could no longer be found in hardware) in Device Manager.

Thanks to this blog, I simply removed "KMW_KBD.SYS" from the above Keyboard section, and all was well.

That's the kind of help I work to give people. And for once, it is nice to have been on the receiving end.

Excellent post, and thank you for taking the time and energy to do it!

Bill Harris
Anonymous said…

Even though it's 2 yrs later :-)
Anonymous said…
please help me!! to unfreeze the deep freeze while your mouse and keyboard wont work..cause i delete the upper filter in registry..please help me..
Anonymous said…
thank you so much
Anonymous said…
please help me i tried everything but my mouse and keyboard still wont work pls explain how to boot and fix them
Aarkadip Bhattacharya said…
Sir ....really i want to call you Sir. Salute to you and your geniosity...Who are you??? i was realy having because i was doing a job for an UK based client..and suddenly it happened and i got stuck..u r realy a god!! Pls tel me who are you?? i want to be an ardent follower of you..plssss
Unknown said…
just want to leave my thanks. I spent hours trying to get my keyboard back! HOURS!!!!! this is how i fixed it. Thank you so very much.
munna said…
Thank you friend it saved my data else i was planned to re install OS if it was done then i will have lost all my very important data in it..You saved my worthy data and my time...
Unknown said…
Good afternoon, Yesterday Upper and Lower filters remove registry and after that the mouse doesn't move, start pressing f8 in windows and put on the last known good configuration and it did not solve the problem.
I have already started in test mode and nothing.
Please can you tell me how to solve this problem.
Greetings from Lima - Peru
Fute said…
I was about to lose my sanity with this mouse of mine not working! I was trying every method and nothing worked, until i saw this post and the default settings of the mouse registry. I made it as your screen shows and now its working again! THANKS alot mate, even though this is 5 years old lol
Aazain Khan said…
hello can u pls tell me the binary data for the upperfilters so i can check its the correct one...pls pls pls tell me this i really need it
Aazain Khan said…

May i please know the Binary Data for the UpperFilters...I really, really need it.

Thank You
thanh cong said…
So how did u fix it? Im now having this annoying trouble. :(
Unknown said…
Thanks this helped.
For me, it was windows 10. booted up into start up repair..(tap f8 or shift-f8 right after bios screen, or a split second before it disappears) go to advanced repairs, open command prompt. Type regedit.. its way easier than that offline editor, ESPECIALLY for this problem.

Click on hkey local machine.

click the file drop down menu, and click 'load hive'

browse to your computers windows/system32/config director.. it might not be the c drive in this case even if it normally is.. so verify you got the right drive(windows repair makes a little PE enviroment that has its own windows/system32/config dir)

load the system hive. when it asks for key, thats just so you can label it... call it anything at all.

now follow the instructions above, browse to currentcontrolset/control/class..etc and to your keyboard and then mouse keys.. right click.. new... multistring value.. call it UpperFilter .. make sure to use capital U and F. double click on your new key, and type kdbclass or mouclass depending on which you are fixing atm. It will complain about empty keys, dont worry about that. then reboot. You are done.

thanks again for the help, just wanted to sahre my method for those having issues with the offline editor.
pritish said…
thnaks man works like a charm

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