A Scare-tactic Domain Scam

I received this email regarding my "trademark", and it looks like a scam to me.

Subject: About Trademark(Brand Name) Registration-No.2011101332
(It's very urgent, Please transfer this email to your CEO or appropriate person, Thanks)

Dear CEO/Principal,
I'm sorry to disturb you so abruptly.This is Leo Yang.We are Trademark(Brand Name) registration and solution center in shanghai,china, which mainly deal with the global company' s domain name and network brand registration and internet Intellectual property right' s protection in Asia. Currently, we have a pretty important issue need to confirm with your company. On October 13 2011, we received an application formally. One company named "TKM Investment S.A" wanted to applied for the Network Brand "edmartechguide" and some relevant domain names through our body.
Now we are handling this registration, and we found that the keyword of these domain names and network brand is identical with your company's. So we have to confirm with you at two points:
1. If your company consign "TKM Investment S.A"to register these domain names and network brand, we will send application form to them and help them finish the registration at once.
2. If your company have nothing to do with
Now we are handling this registration, and we found that the keyword of these domain names and network brand is identical with your company's. So we have to confirm with you at two points:1. If your company consign "TKM Investment S.A"to register these domain names and network brand, we will send application form to them and help them finish the registration at once.2. If your company have nothing to do with "TKM Investment S.A", they maybe have other purposes to register these domain names and network brand.

We haven't finished the registration of
 We haven't finished the registration of "TKM Investment S.A" yet, and we have postponed this application of this company temporarily already. In order to deal with this issue better, please contact us by telephone or email as soon as possible.
Waiting for your reply ASAP.

Best Regards
Waiting for your reply ASAP.

Best Regards

Leo YangGeneral AdviserExecutive Department
AnHui Office:Phone: 0086-5515120117    
   Fax: 0086-5515123308
Postal Code:230022
Address:Room 807,Building 17,AnGao World Cities,No. 99,WangJiang West Road,HeFei,AnHui Province,China
ShangHai Headquarters:Phone: 0086-2168247379    
   Fax: 0086-2168247376Postal Code:201315Address:Room 1303,No.11,Lane 788,Xiupu Road,Nanhui District,ShangHai,China2011-10-13 

The email looks legit and if you are gullible enough, you will fall from this guy's tactic. I believe if you reply to this email, he will offer you to register domain names bearing your site name with unknown TLDs. I was thinking about sending a reply to confirm my suspicion but I hold myself back thinking that I should use my time to something else. 


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