Dropbox error message: This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action

Actually this is not a Dropbox error message, rather Windows 7 autoplay problem. But I found out that it is related to Dropbox.

There is an ongoing beta test with Dropbox right now and if you join the beta testing program you can have a chance to get 4.5 Gb more space. I tried it and it worked for some of my device but it didn't work for some. It worked for my point and shoot cameras but it didn't work with my old SLR (Canon Digital Rebel) and my smartphone (Nokia 5800 XM) connected via bluetooth.

Then I tried the USB / flash drive technique but this error message appear every time I plug the device and choose to sync the pictures via Dropbox:

This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel.

Click photo to enlarge

I tried several things to to fix the problem to no avail. I tried different settings in Default Programs control panel as the error message suggested. Didn't work. I tried formatting the drive, changing the drive letter, and making a DCIM folder but all of these failed.

In my frustration, I took several pictures using the point and shoot cameras and plugged it again to my PC. To my surprise, it didn't work anymore. So I figured that it is a problem with dropbox.

The last thing I did was to restart my computer and it do the trick. Why? I remember that I update the dropbox program to version 1.3.13. I started uploading photos using 1.3.12 and it turned out that you need to restart your computer for version .13 to work properly. It didn't require a restart if you upgrade from version 1.2 to 1.3.12 so I thought it was not necessary.

One more thing, this is a bug on version 1.3.12. I recorded it using Camtasia.

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Anonymous said…
yeah..i got the same problem but i used the latest version of dropbox 1.3.15. can u help me sort this out?

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